I'd like to see Pablo Neruda or Shakespeare try to out-write this one! Women's shoe size 5-10. 55% nylon; 43% combed cotton; 2% spandex.
If it's spooky I like it: crooked trees, black cats, empty foggy streets, soft luxurious socks. You know, all that stuff. Women's shoe size 5-10. 50% combed cotton; 48% nylon;...
You know exactly who you're going to buy these socks for (besides a pair for you too, of course). It's for the sassy, smart someone who doesn't mind lifting up...
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#YesAllWomenShouldBeRockingTheseSocks Women's shoe size 5-10. 50% nylon; 48% combed cotton; 2% spandex.
Not all who wander are (unintentionally) lost. Women's shoe size 5-10. 52% combed cotton; 46% nylon; 2% spandex.
I was just on a walk the other day when it occurred to me. And honestly, I was so blown away by my own incredible tenacity that I had to...
You just happened to know I needed a hot fudge sundae at this very moment? What are you some kind of mind reader!? Women's shoe size 5-10. 56% combed cotton;...
I got all my sisters with me! We are family! Get up everybody and sing! Women's shoe size 5-10. 56% combed cotton; 42% nylon; 2% spandex.
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Listen, I said "namaste" to like three strangers today so don't you dare come at me about my yoga pants. Women's shoe size 5-10. 58% combed cotton; 40% nylon; 2%...
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Let this be a warning. A comfy, cozy, stretchy, foot warning. Women's shoe size 5-10. 58% nylon; 40% combed cotton; 2% spandex.
My Boston fern is an honor roll student. Women's shoe size 5-10. 50% nylon; 48% combed cotton; 2% spandex.
To be honest, I don't really need total silence to get some good overthinking done. I just kinda wanted you to stop talking. Women's shoe size 5-10. 62% nylon; 35%...
I just love her face - determined, focused, a little devilish. She reminds me a little of you, actually. Women's shoe size 5-10. 50% combed cotton, 48% nylon and 2%...
I talk to my dog like it's a wittle baby for some weason. Yes I do! Oh yes I do! Women's shoe size 5-10. 60% combed cotton; 20% nylon; 20%...
A little aloof, a little manipulative, and a whole lotta cuddly. Women's shoe size 5-10. 58% combed cotton; 40% nylon; 2% spandex. PLEASE NOTE: Blue Q socks feature panoramic art...
I've always told my kids to accept themselves, no matter who they are. Joke's on me, I guess. Women's shoe size 5-10. 55% nylon; 43% combed cotton; 2% spandex. PLEASE...
We all have one. It's just that some are better than others. Women's shoe size 5-10. 52% combed cotton, 46% nylon and 2% spandex. PLEASE NOTE: This sock features panoramic art...
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You'd be forgiven for thinking that she's a quiet, docile, meek bookworm. But only the first time. Women's shoe size 5-10.50% combed cotton, 48% nylon and 2% spandex. PLEASE NOTE:...
Pretty, just like you. Special, just like you. Not afraid to be a little flip, also like you. Women's shoe size 5-10. 58% combed cotton, 40% nylon and 2% spandex....
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Holy crapola! Today is the best! THE BEST. I can't even think of a better way to have a day! Women's shoe size 5-10. 54% combed cotton; 44% nylon; 2%...
Socks are just like women. They can be straightforward and polite at the same time. It doesn't mean they're any more or less of a sock. Or a woman. Women's...
The cool thing about these socks - other than the fact that they are pretty and comfy and strong as hell - is that you can put the emphasis wherever...